Mike and Kathy Lee - Owners /Operators


Kathy Lee: 

Just like mike, from the corporate restaurant business, where we met many years ago. We now work the restaurant as a team. Kathy does an awesome job with what most of you don't realize exists in this business, the %&*#$@* books. Kath not only does the %&*#$@ books, but she also orders (or drives to pick up) a lot of the supplies and some food product that we need. Kathy does the majority of the food research on line and through books, keeping us on the cutting edge of quality.

And I love her....

Mike Lee:

A corporate drop out, was president and CEO of a national restaurant company before deciding to create and open the Cracked Crab. For the first two and a half years I was at the restaurant everyday. Although I am not at the restaurant as often as I used to be, I'm still there 5 to 6 days a week, and I am always available through e-mail.

I also do extensive research on product, including travel to places where we purchase our product. Check out my Alaskan trips under the pictures page.

October 22nd, 2024